Keeping Faith — Remaining Passionate

NOTE:  I looked back through old posts today and found this one from 2007 and it speaks to 2014. As we press forward in the RenewalWorks process the discipline of holding the course and choosing passion keeps the fun going. Hang on for the ride.


I was going through my collection of periodicals this week and came across this quote in an article in the December 2001 issue of Fast Company a smart business magazine. Seth Godwin in the special issue on leadership after 9/11 said,

“If our faith in our system goes away, our passion disappears as well.”

That had resonance and my mind immediately applied it to the Church (as my mind does everything) and I realized that if I allow myself to get too caught up in the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’’  – to borrow a phrase – my passion disappears.  Yep, that’s true and if it is true for me I suspect it is true for at least half of the Episcopal Church.  That being said, I refuse to allow myself to be terminally distracted, choosing to continue in faith the way that I have begun.  And so have the people of Saint John’s Parish.